Travel Packing List
Best Travel Protection Gear
When I think about traveling, it makes me think about packing my travel medicine for some extra protection. Everyone needs some extra security when on the move — think about including travel protection gear. I believe travelers, need travel protection gear to stay safer while on vacation, on a short get-a-way, holiday or a business trip. These are the items I include on every trip. Many of these items are in my Amazon Store on this site. Here is my packing list.
Shortlist of Must Have Travel Gear List
I want my travel earbuds protected on flights, trains or bus rides. Earbuds protect my hearing from loud noises and help me sleep better, but sometimes they don’t fit right. Buy a few types and try them on and out before you go. Find the pair that blocks all noise or partially blocks noise. I prefer partial. My thinking is if there was an emergency, getting enough time to get out is more critical than total silence.
Shower Flip Flops
Flips flops are a must-have. For shower flip-flops, I go Wal-mart or Old Navy to buy an inexpensive pair. When in doubt, buy a cheap pair of flip-flops at Amazon. I usually give them to the staff, and they always appreciate the gift.
Try the Walking Company for travel shoes and sandals. They will fit you to find the best type to buy. I always buy my travel shoes from the Walking Company. From time to time, I go in for a fitting. I don’t know why, but, my feet change.
Bring sunscreen! Please remember to use sunscreen. Carry sunscreen with you in your bag along with water, every day. Don’t forget to drink the water and apply the sunscreen liberally throughout the day.
Rash Shirts
If you sunburn easily and are going somewhere tropical, a rash guard is a great item to bring. I protect my arms by wearing a rash shirt or a long sleeve linen shirt or an SPF blouse. For me, I the more protection, the better. Covering my skin is a priority for me. I don’t want age spots or crappy skin!
Sanitizing Wipes or Gel
Wipes or hand sanitizer are great to include when using outhouses, public restrooms, riding buses, and when traveling in general. When visiting new places, I never know when I will need sanitizing wipes. I always have them with me.
Sunglasses and Hat
There are a million reasons to wear a hat. Most importantly, it protects my face from the sun. I love hats. In my opinion, hats are stylish; I have a whole page of my favorite hats. I have worn hats all around the world. Pack a hat, scarf or cap that is right for your trip, the weather, location, and culture.
An umbrella may sound like a funny travel protection item, but, umbrellas are certainly appreciated when unexpected rain shower start. Umbrellas are great to use in snow storms too. They also can be used as protection from the sun in those sunny, hot locations when some shade is needed.
Whistles are small, simple and easy to have on your body at all times. Most likely, I will never need a whistle. Never the less, I carry it attached to whatever I’m taking with me. That way, if I need it, to get help, this small secret weapon is easy to reach. It is a fabulous protection item.
Ace Bandage
Here is a photo of me using my Ace bandage while traveling. The ace bandage in the photo below compressed my knee and protected it from further injury. The ace bandage helps reduce swelling, pain and speeds up recovery. Fortunately, because I had it, I continued on my trip.
An ace bandage is excellent for snake bite first aid. Use it as a tourniquet, to prevent the poison from spreading. After applying this initial first aid, go immediately to the hospital.
At Home
At home, install Ring and the app to see ‘live streaming’ of your home. Ring doorbells, with ADT or another home security monitoring agent, helps guard and protects your home while away. With Ring, you can answer your door from anywhere in the world. Monitor your home from your phone. I’m in control of my home security with Ring from anywhere in the world.
Lock and Hold
I tell a neighbor when I’m taking a trip. Trust them, give them a key to your home. Ask them to monitor your home. Bring the neighbor a small gift when you return. In some cases, I tell the police if I am going for a long time. The police will patrol around your home while you are gone.
Makes sure to lock the doors and windows before leaving home. Turn on the security system before going on vacation. Put a few lights on a timer at random times, so it looks like someone is home. If you are anxious, hire a house sitter.
Tell the garbage, cable and the postal service the travel dates, and stop these service. Nothing is a ‘bigger a give away’ that the house is empty, and you are on vacation then boxes at the front door, mail falling out of the mailbox, and garbage cans left outside.
Don’t forget the water. I drink plenty of water while on holiday as it fights dehydration, vertigo, and jet lag. Always pack an empty water bottle in your carry-on.
Travel Essentials
Everything on my Travel Essentials below I use and pack when traveling.
Download the Free Shortlist Must Have Travel Protection Gear Packing List. It’s great for all travelers.
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