United Kingdom
Spring Itinerary to London, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland
This is the first time I started my trip from the wrong location. My spring itinerary to London, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland is perfect if these are the final destinations you want to see. However, I lost sight of my trip purpose and squeezed in an extra location. On this trip, my purpose was to see some of my family’s homelands in Wales, Ireland, and Scotland. DNA, 23 and me, Ancestry.com and my research, done with the help of Morman Church, revealed my roots and set my trip destinations. Therefore, London was an extra destination I added to see a few friends. I’m glad I went but, if you want to skip London, the trip is still great. To do the whole trip as I did, download, Spring Itinerary London, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland. It is still great!
Spring Itinerary for London
I flew from Seattle (a Delta Hub) to Amsterdam to London.
If you want to see London for two nights, use the itinerary below. I have been to London a lot of times, therefore I regret I didn’t spend more time in Wales. Download the chart below from here to take my trip and follow my itinerary.

Spring Itinerary London, Wales, and Scotland
Another Option for Spring Itinerary to London, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland
Another way to start the trip would be to spend two nights in Wales and heal your jet lag in this quiet location. Buy a bus day pass for about $5.00, and see the city and National Art Museum. Or spend your days out in the sunshine and see the beautiful Welsh coast. With this one minor modification, the trip becomes a perfect Spring itinerary to Wales, Ireland, and Scotland. You will have two more days to see these three gorgeous areas.
Advice – From Amsterdam, fly to Cardiff Wales or Edinburgh Scotland. This makes the trip a little simpler and easier.
General Trip Planning Advice
Since Amsterdam is a hub for many international flights, its a great place to fly to and then on to your final destination. I recommend choosing your flight based on their hub and your final destination. This will make it easy on your body.
Start your trip by choosing your airline carriers hub based on your final destination. If you are flying AirFrance, Delta, United, or British Airlines, first check out where the hub is for that carrier. For my trip, I think I should have flown to Cardiff or Edinburgh – but my trip is great if you want to recover from jet lag in London.
Since I fly Delta, Delta’s European partners are Air France and KLM, therefore Paris and Amsterdam are Delta’s two European hubs. (They have Asian hubs too, Tokyo, Beijing, China; Hong and Shanghai, Kong; Seoul South Korea via Korean Airlines)
Spring Itinerary to Wales, Ireland, and Scotland
This itinerary uses a bus, train or airplane. You can pick the transportation you prefer. Select your transportation based on your favorite style of travel. No rental car is needed for this trip. All these destinations are easy to reach by bus. In some cases, such as Ireland, it is a little hard to figure out the train schedules on the internet. Therefore in Ireland, wait until you arrive to buy your transportation tickets.
However, in the United Kingdom, Wales, England, and Scotland, the train service is great, and easy to use. You may choose to buy your tickets on the bus or train or at the station, the staff is very helpful.

This the Cliffs of Moher
Best Advice for Spring Itinerary to Ireland and Scotland
Local bus and train service is exact change only or WiFi-enabled credit cards MasterCard/Visa. I used my credit card often. The bus drivers are very helpful. They deal with lost tourists all the time and are eager to help travelers. You can buy your travel as you go on this trip.
I used my Camino Packing list and packed everything in a carry on bag. My carry-on still didn’t fit in the airplane and had to be checked. European budget flights have much smaller overhead luggage areas. Plan to check your USA carry-on bag. Buy it ahead of the flight or you can spend as much as your flight to check your bag as you board. It’s not like the USA, EU Budget Carriers don’t check a bag for free at the gate.
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