Smart Tips for Traveling Alone
Yes, it is true! When traveling alone, the world might seem like a very scary place as a solo traveler. You might be uncomfortable at first. Perhaps you’re worried that something that might happen to you. Calm your nerves by having a plan. If you consider these simple tips you will be better prepared.
Traveling Alone Tips: Before Departing
Surely, there are lots of questions running through your head. You may ask yourself if it is dangerous to go alone, or how are you going to meet new people? Here are some of my past articles that will help with safety tips for traveling alone and determining if you are ready to travel alone.
Safety First
If you find yourself traveling alone or alone at an event as a solo traveler, be prepared and stay alert. Have your first response and safety measures ready and with you at all times such as a charged cell phone to call for help and a whistle. A whistle is a universal call for help – blow it loud if you are in trouble and help will come. Your cell phone should have the numbers of local fire, police, and emergency numbers.
Your phone may not work in the country you are traveling to. You may be able to use an international plan with your carrier, but if not, you can buy a cheap local phone and sim card. If your phone is unlocked, you can change your SIM card and use a local SIM card to save money making local calls. In Turkey, for example, a local SIM and an unlocked foreign phone will only work for 30 days. Some American phones are CDMA while EU uses GSM so call your carrier before your trip so they can help figure it out.
Know Local Police, Fire, and Ambulance Numbers
Be prepared. In case of an emergency, plug the local police and emergency phone numbers into your phone.
It’s All About You
Of course, traveling solo has its pros and cons. The major pro for going solo is this is your opportunity to take time for you. Traveling solo is your time to indulge yourself fully. A solo trip is all about you and the people you choose to meet.
Because of your independence and you are in total control, you can do exactly what suits your fancy. Solo travel makes all of us less dependent on other people.
Face Your Fears and Avoid Emotional Drama
A solo trip is a time and the place to work on you while traveling. If you don’t work on you – your travel won’t be as much fun as it is meant to be. Therefore face the things in you that you want to improve. By working on you while traveling, you will have more fun. Of course, you don’t want to hurt anyone else’s feelings while traveling. Please be a considerate traveler and take others feelings into consideration.
Respect others and read their body language. There is nothing worse than the person on the airplane who insists on talking to you all the way to your destination. To avoid conversations, put your headset on and say excuse me, I am going to listen to my music.
Does Solo Travel Mean You Will Be Alone?
Solo travel doesn’t mean you will be alone. When you are traveling alone it seems that people approach you more. In fact, it’s very easy to meet people. Maybe it is because when you are traveling alone, you are more open to meet other people. Somehow, I meet locals and other travelers super quickly when I am on my journeys. I find the best place to meet people is at your hotel, on a bus or train. There are plenty of opportunities to meet a variety of people on buses or trains because you are on it for a while.
List for Well Prepared Solo Travelers
- Book your accommodations in advance.
- If landing in a place where everything is new (especially at night), stay in a well-known place or area of town
- Ask the hotel for a pick-up at the airport, bus or train stop.
- Study a map of your destination. Know your location
- Read guide books and trip resources before your journey. You’ll see and explore the places safely if you have a plan and know what you want to see.
- Use my travel tips and conduct for solo travel.
- Never forget to let others know where you are going. Leave a copy of your itinerary with your family member or friend. Chat with friends and family regularly.
- Be attentive to who is around you at all times. Be aware of the neighborhoods you should avoid.
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