Travel Planning
Work, Travel, Explore Asia at the Same Time
If you’re a millennial, or a baby boomer, chances are you may be bored with your job, the place you live, and your day to day exsitance. Because of this wanderlust, many decide to change their place of residence and move to a more exotic destination and look for a job that is more rewarding. Working abroad is a great way to kill two birds with one stone. Exploring and working in a different country is something that many of us want to do, at least in theory. However, if you’re brave enough to make this dream a reality, consider Asia. No other continent offers the vast diversisty and beauty, with hidden gems in each country. But, are there any job opportunities in Asia? And where?
1. Work online in South Korea
Oppa Gangnam Style! The birthplace of Psy is a country you should at least visit as a tourist, especially if you’re into K-Pop. However, this beautiful country also offers excellent work opportunities. If you don’t want to be an ESL teacher (which is in high demand), you can always move there and do freelancing jobs online, from the comfort of your new beautiful Korean apartment! If you’re a businessman or in the technology sector the chances of landing a good job in South Korean are quite high, so consider this exoctic country!
2. Teacher in Hong Kong or China
All over Asia, teachers are in high demand. In some Asian countries, such as Hong Kong, you can earn a lot as a teacher. There are excellent English learning centers all over the city, such as the fabulous Monkey Tree ESL center which offers a wide range of courses to its students. With an ES: certificate you can easily find teaching opportunities throughout Asia. Since Hong Kong is a trendy tourist destination, this means you can work in a city and visit outstanding locations in your free time! Another opportunity is China, a country where you can earn a lot while working as an English teacher. Choose any large town or city there and voila!
3. Orphanage worker in Cambodia
If you just want to let it all go, move somewhere and start anew, while still doing something that’s very humane, then you could travel to Cambodia and find work in a local orphanage. The salaries aren’t high, but they’re quite enough for a living in this gorgeous country. If you’re not volunteering you will need to do some online freelancing. Not many people opt to visit Cambodia or live there, but go, and see for yourself and decide if this kind of life is right for you.
4. A Farmer in New Zealand
As an Asian Pacific country, New Zealand is on the list. If the high life in the place you currently live is just not the place for you, then exquisitely beautiful New Zealand and the movie location of “The Lord of the Rings’ might just be the place for you. Apart from many IT opportunities, you can find one of the most authentic job experiences by working as a farmer. And yes, it is amazing to work and live in nature, at least for some amount of time. On the other hand, if you’re up for living in the city, you can always travel to Auckland or Wellington and look for an office job there, as well.
5. IT in India
India is a place that intrigues travelers all around the globe for centuries now. And today it’s not different at all. Even though you can come across extremely poor areas but also the areas that are very luxurious, India is a place that you must visit. If you’re into this kind of lifestyle (and let’s be honest – India is unique, and many people love it), the best option would be to try and find an IT job there as there are many opportunities for tech professionals. The best place for such a position is Bengaluru, while New Delhi, on the other hand, is excellent for swanky finance jobs.
Asia is a continent worth visiting; every single country has a flavor all its own. If you want to actually live and work there, seriously consider it – your job search should not be difficult if you know what to look out for and follow these suggestions as cautious guidance!
You might be interested in another article to help you decide if you are ready to travel alone. Or maybe you know, traveling and working are perfect for you, and you are ready to go. If you are prepared to live the adventurous road less travel, there is no time like the present to start your travel adventure. Always be cautious, no your limits, and check with your country’s state department advisories.
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