Visit University of Washington Cherry Blossoms
As a rite of spring, lots of people in Seattle try to make a trip to the University of Washington for a visit to the Commons to see the spring Cherry Blossoms. But, because it is such a ritual, incredibly crowds fill the courtyard, even when it’s a rainy day. I went on a rainy day to avoid the crowds. Well, that didn’t work. Still, crowds filled the area as soon as the sun rose. I went five different times this year, hoping to avoid the crowds. But even the rain didn’t deter the visitors. Only one day was sunny. But, having said all that, visit University of Washington Cherry Blossoms, it’s worth your time regardless of the weather and crowds. Be daring, hike around the campus to see all the beautiful flower plants.
See University of Washington Cherry Blossoms
Brief Background about the University of Washington
My Favorite Photos from University of Washington Cherry Blossoms

This tree was a favorite of mine because you can see how it is oozing life.

At University of Washington Cherry Blossoms here is a close up of a cherry blossom emerging from the bark and moss of the tree.

University of Washington Cherry Blossoms come in all shapes and sizes. Here is a single flower cluster. This cherry tree is as remarkable and unique as each of the many trees in bloom
Don’t sit in the Trees at the University of Washington Cherry Blossoms Festival
Now sometimes, you will read, and see signs that say, DO NOT SIT IN THE TREES. But every day that I was there, I found someone in the trees. Luckily, the tree sitters were children. This little girl seemed to be enjoying herself. It also turns out to be one of this year’s favorite photos. I felt like she shows the emotion and wonder of spring and new life blossoming.
The Heart Tree
This Photo is also a favorite – it’s my favorite because I was photographing the happy woman snapped a picture of the tree, but missed that the tree forms a heart until I got home and looked at the photo. Make sure you look up and down when you are photography. Especially be aware when you are shooting something as complicated as the Commons. You might miss the real shot. I think this heart tree, catches the mood at the Commons. Isn’t a heart the best way to express the love we all have for this University of Washington Cherry Blossoms?
Isn’t a heart the best way to express the love we all have for this University of Washington Cherry Blossoms?
Travel tip: Travel local and practice before you travel far from home.
Travel tip: I enjoyed trekking and hiking at the UW. Try any of these top 50 USA Long Distance Hikes.
If you are from Seattle, hike around Seattle’s great locations during spring. Hopefully, you will get out and hike local places in your community. Enjoy your local spring colors as if you were a tourist. But, if you come to Seattle in April, be sure to see the Cherry Blossom on the Commons at the University of Washington!
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