Townsville to Magnetic Island, a UNESCO World Heritage Site
What a difference a day makes. With our rhythm synced, walking along the beach, we decided to island hop and enjoy some great food on the beach. We decided to go from Townsville and then to Magnetic Island. Now, I was learning what it is like to experience romantic travel, how to experience a hometown visit and a good person. Magnetic Island was Heath’s home. Traveling alone for years, now, with someone, seemed to be changing my travel style. This quiet, gentle, relaxed person was showing me a new side to travel. He showed me all about slow travel.
My fears disappeared as the delightful day became a whole new travel experience. Without realizing it, a second and third impression was more revealing than my first impression at the airport. Forgiveness enables great vacations and holidays. Things happen on vacation. Sometimes putting it behind, forgiving and looking for the good make the best Plan B.
Townsville to Magnetic Island
We booked our IslandSeaLink Queensland ferry tickets from Townsville to Magnetic Island. After buying the tickets, we continued with a lovely long walk and chatted through Townsville, and he showed me his hometown. I learned about what it meant to be Australian to him.
Working In Australia
I learned it’s hard to work here. Mining is highly regulated. Native Australians find work much more easily than immigrants. Immigrating to Australia is tough to achieve without money and education; it’s next to impossible. For example – a year of farm work, allows students to study in Australia.
Australia’s Natural Barriers
From his comments, and based on the people I met, my opinion is Australians like their natural barriers and geographic isolation. An independent lot, they don’t like immigrants, such as those that come by sea such as the north-west boat people from Asian waters. This attitude is similar to the American perspective toward illegal immigration from southern borders.
Australia is a country, but, it’s a continent, and you don’t realize what this means until you are here. The ocean, a natural barrier is their immigration wall. Australia’s immigration laws further isolate, insulate, and restrict the country’s immigrants.
Walking with a nice man was romantic and talking about his country was fascinating to me. I found Australia to be one of my favorite locations and beautiful beyond belief!
Back to the Past
As the sun rose, we decided to take a walk down memory lane. Guys, if you want to touch a gal’s heart try this approach. Share some memories, because sharing is caring, and gals ears are the path to her heart. After all, this is a romantic location.
Magnetic Island
We could see Magnetic Island across the water from Townsville’s beach. This is a beach city, surrounded by water, smells fresh unless the coral is mating in October. It is tropical, balmy and gets very hot.
Magnetic Island, is a short ferry ride from Townsville. This is the home of Magnetic Island National Park which is the second-most visited place in the Great Barrier Reef and North Queensland.
Approximately halfway between Cairns and the Sunshine Coast, Brisbane, Magnetic Island is part of the Great Barrier Reef and a World Heritage Site. On Magnetic Island, you’ll find guided tours, 23 bays to visit, short paved walks, with fantastic views accessible for strollers or wheelchairs and hikes for trekkers.
World Heritage Site
There is an abundance of animals, birds, and critters on the island. Once Aboriginal land, the traditional owners of this island, like most of Queensland, lived a nomadic life canoeing between islands. They were known as the canoe people and the original owners of the Whitsunday’s.
Magnetic Island has four communities – Picnic Bay, Nelly Bay, Arcadia and Horseshoe Bay. The population is around 2,500 people. We were heading to Horseshoe Bay; his home was there.
Back to the Past
He pointed out little things about Townsville, his favorite hangouts, the casino, and favorite restaurants.
Then he asked me if I wanted to see his primary school. I was completely interested. It’s nice to share a memory, to see his school and to learn more about him.
Townsville to Magnetic Island
After visiting the school, it was time to head to the ferry. We were off to Magnetic Island, and I was about to learn more about him and see one of the most beautiful places in the world. As we boarded we saw Australian primary school children. The children’s style was so different from the kids in the USA. I am not stereotyping, but there was a cultural difference.
First of all, they wear uniforms, and we don’t in the States unless you are going to a Charter, Private or Public school that mandates uniforms. Most schools in the USA don’t require a dress code.
Australian Manners
The tone, language, body language, and their manners were Australian – very Australian. Their behaviors and soft spoken-ness were Australian. Unfortunately, I am searching for the right words and can’t find the proper description. Civility is the only way I can describe how I felt as I watched the children. Just polite, civil, and courteous, conversation with a dash of giggles seemed to be the norm.
We boarded and saw another the Australian Coast Guard on our starboard side. They seem to be everywhere probably because boating and swimming are primary pastimes here.
The island from the water looked smaller or farther than from the point on Townsville, where we had stood earlier in the day.
Island Time
We landed, disembarked the ferry, and walked to his home so he could pack. He needed to get some things for our trip north for the next few weeks.
He warned me that he had a friend that follows him. A loud, squawking obnoxious friend, greets him, as we approached his home. He has a stalker. It is a bird.
Yes, the warning was about a bird; he had fed it when it was a chick and still feeds it. It must have bonded with him. Now, whenever he returns, day or night – this little critter greets him with a squawk when he approached his home. Ok, so far, no other women, just a bird stalking him from the bushes.
Walking and Talking
Magnetic Island in November is hot and humid because it’s summertime in Australia. There are lots of bars and restaurants on long beaches. A relaxed tropical environment, makes you feel like this is a dream vacation, and any dream can come true. Where hope seems real no matter how unlikely.
Magnetic Island is romantic, like the Hawaiian Islands. As the sun set, it was time to catch the ferry and head back to Townsville.
The next day we would go to Arlie Beach. From there we would continue our adventure to Whitehaven Beach and diving at the Great Barrier Reef.
The furthest point in Australia we would visit, on this trip is Hamilton Island. The trip will take three weeks — an exciting beginning. The trip could be a long journey in more ways than one.
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