Experience a Picnic on the Suez Canal
That night when Rana and I came home from walking around the market and getting our hair done, we were told about her father’s secret plan – code name: Suez Canal Red Sea Egypt. Her father had been working on this for a while. He loved to tease me, and at first, I thought he was going to tease me like he usually did.
Picnic on the Suez Canal, Red Sea, Egypt
“We have a surprise for you!” he smiled, “Where would you like to visit in Egypt that you haven’t seen?”
“There is so much to see in Egypt. Something I would like to see is the Suez Canal Red Sea Egypt and the desert.
Surprise Trip! Suez Canal, the Red Sea Egypt
“We are sending you and Rana on a picnic – we have packed a lunch and you will be going to the sea for a day to a home of our friend with some of Rana’s friends.”
I’m very excited. I start laughing, blushing, and giggling like a child because Rana’s family are the kindest people in the world. They share their time with me and treat me like I am part of their family. They anticipate everything I might want to do and see and seemed to take tremendous pleasure in making my time in Egypt the most spectacular trip. I am happy just to be with them and eat and spend days with them as part of their life, but they want to make sure I see and do as much as I can while I am here. It is truly a great gift to experience so much hospitality as I do with Rana and her family.
This is a map and route we took from Cario to the Suez Canal and Red Sea.
The area is huge, the drive is like crossing an ocean of sand and the temperature is hot. I had no idea how large the body of sand is or the magnitude of the a Gaza desert.

This is the majestic desert view along the road.
We left for our drive to the picnic through the desert, checkpoints, and farmlands.

Amazing clouds
The Drive to the Suez Canal Red Sea Egypt

Guns ready – one of many bases along the road

Oil plants are along the road to the Red Sea
The Guest Home – Suez Canal Red Sea Egypt
Our guest home was secure. Most homes in the area are well guarded with security, fences, cameras and people who look after the homes and property.
The Ladies at the picnic
I love this fence and photo.

Fish for dinner.
The Beautiful Red Sea

Red Sea
Toes in the Water Suez Canal Red Sea Egypt
I put my toes in the Red Sea. As long as I travel, my goal it is to put my toes in as many bodies of water, seas and oceans as I can. You have no idea how much pleasure this photo brings me because when I see it I think of the amazing people I shared the day with on the Red Sea.
Hanging Out with My New friends
The view from the roof of the village.
View of Paradise
Honestly, this looks like Hawaii or Florida – or any ideal tropical island.
Travel is about the People I Meet
I don’t know why the men don’t smile but my friend Rana has a huge smile in this photo. I love to capture how happy people are. When traveling – how can I not be happy I am with great people, having a great conversation and all because I accepted a random invitation to visit Rana and her mother.
I spent the day talking to my new friends. We ate a great meal of lamb and tomatoes, cucumber salad and more lamb. The food is even tastier than you could imagine because the people were so interesting and authentic and which added flavor to the meal.
Yes, the location is great, but the people made the experience – I would love to do this again, and I only wish I could see them more often.
When I visit other countries, it is the people, the conversations, and food that make it unique – the location is the backdrop to the relationships. People are the spice that adds flavor to my travel. Don’t be scared of an invitation from people you meet while traveling, you just might miss the opportunity of a lifetime!
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