Guest Feature
My Forebear’s Footsteps, a Psychic’s Journey to Volga, Germany
I had the good fortune to take the trip of a lifetime. I had always dreamt of but never thought I’d be able to take. My trip retraced my forbear’s footsteps and is a psychic journey to Volga, Germany. I was able to visit the old Russian village that my grandparents immigrated from, in 1912, before arriving in the United States.
Forebears Footsteps
My family is Russian from Volga Germany. In the 1760s Catherine the Great of Russia sent an invitation to Germans to colonize an area in the Volga River area, my ancestors were among the first settlers. By 1912 Russia had changed. My grandfather was an astute man and saw what was happening in Russia. My grandparents came to the U.S. to work, make additional money to expand their holdings in Russia and let until the Tsar got the country and economy under control. Unfortunately, we all know, the truth, and how that didn’t work out as planned. My grandparents stayed in the United States and raised their family in America. I am a second generation, American.
Psychic’s Journey to Volga Germany
My grandfather died while I was quite young. But my grandmother lived until I was well into my 20s and was with us often. I used to go over, and she’d tell stories of the old country. She would talk fondly of life there and loved talking about her family. I grew up on the stories of a Russia very different from the one reads about in the history books. Her family was wealthy, and she had opportunities that most men didn’t have, let alone women.
Volga Germany
Ever since I was young, I wanted to go and see the places she spoke of. Finally, a tour of Volga Germany was together. I signed up immediately. The tour included the village of my grandparents!
The monument to the founding of the first Volga German colony
We spent several days going through many villages on dirt roads, and learned a great deal of the history of the Volga Germans and to a lesser extent, the Germans in general that had called Russia home since the time of Peter the Great. Parts of this journey were very emotional, and we learned more about 30 years of genocide directed at my people. The genocide started in 1915.
Experience History
I’m fortunate in that I can not only experience the locations and their stories through the normal senses; I also pick up with my psychic senses. This helps me bring the history and people to life, in a whole new way. A greater depth of experience and understanding of the individuals, the times, the places, and the history unfold before me. My experience has a richness that it wouldn’t have otherwise.
People I Met
I was able to pick up the joys and sorrows of the people I “met”. I could see the last Mass before the priests and ministers were deported or killed. Weddings, dances, celebrations opened before me. Workers walking down the street, men and women coming and going, bored people in the church – all of this began around me.
The priest stood on a balcony here giving the sermon and reading the Gospel. I see him. He knows it’s the end.
Most importantly, I was able to see my family. I saw Grandma’s parents as they were in despair. I saw other relatives at their homes and finally got to tell my grandfather’s wicked stepmother just what I thought of her. She started it though. She came flying out of the house screaming at me because she knew I knew all about her from Grandma. And, I saw grandma on the stairs of the school she attended. She showed herself to me as a young girl, and as I knew her. We had a beautiful conversation. I still tear up when I think of it. This journey was rewarding. I wrote a book about it which is available for purchase on my website.
This is the spot, where I told off, the wicked stepmother
This is where Grandma came to me, and we had a great conversation
Here is the place, where Grandma’s house used to stand. The dining room was the size of a large home when I grew up in the house.
Traveling with psychic abilities wide open is the only way to go for me. My experience is so much more complete and rewarding. I am very grateful for the ability and that I can work with others to open their psychic abilities so that they too can enjoy the fullness of travel.
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