Easy Bus Ride to Lindos Greece
The day before I went to Lindos, Greece, I met Ivan from Russia at my hotel in Rhodes because his roommate had locked him out of his room. Ivan was pounding on the door trying to get the roommate to let him into his room. Yes, the roommate he had met on the internet and had traveled with to Rhodes – immediately upon arriving had locked him out of their shared room. So, I invited Ivan to see Rhodes with me for the day and suggested he forget about the roommate until later.
The Wild Arrival Leads to Easy Bus Ride to Lindos Greece
The hotel owner took his luggage into storage, and we went out to see Old Town together. We wandered the Rhodes Old Town area for the day. Ivan’s English was fantastic, and he had a great sense of humor. We had a great time seeing shops, museums and the ocean; sometimes we wandered together and sometimes we went our separate way. But we always met back up at a designated spot and time. We had so much fun and enjoyed each others traveling style, so we decided to meet up the next morning at 7:30 for coffee in the hotel lobby to take the bus at 8:00 am to Lindos to see the Acropolis.
Ivan and Medieval Rose Hotel
The next day we meet in the Medieval Rose hotel lobby. Unfortunately, the hotel didn’t have any coffee that morning, only hot water over old coffee grinds, which looked like green tea. There was a man from China sitting in the lobby drinking his tea. We asked him – ‘Where did you get the tea?” He told us he brought his tea with him from China. The man looked down and continued writing in his journal, he then looked up and asked if he could join us today.
We told him we were going to Lindos. He said, ok that sounds good. So we invited him to come along. Why not? Off we went the three us to Lindos, Greece. With coffee and pastries in hand that we bought from a street cafe, we hopped on the Lindos bus. It was very busy and got more crowded on the way to Lindos, Greece. From Rhodes, the bus takes about 35 – 45 minutes depending on the number of stops the bus makes.
The Bus to Lindos, Greece
The bus to Lindos, Greece is about five Euros round trip from Rhodes and leaves about every 90 minutes starting at 8:00 am until 7:00 pm.

Lindos, Greece
Transportation in Lindos, Greece
The bus drove down the street, and we saw the Acropolis off in the distance. By the time we got off at a parking lot, we couldn’t see the Acropolis. We knew we were at the entrance because of the crowds. The donkey taxi stand surrounded the entrance, We turned around and we had lost the man from China. We saw him a few times throughout the day and eventually he joined us at the end of the day. That is how it goes when you travel with others who are on their journey; you have to be flexible so that everyone can see what is important to them.

The first taxi stands on the walkway to the top of Acropolis, Lindos, Greece
Getting to the Acropolis
Here is a sample of the view from the donkey taxi stand. Tourists are walking and riding to the upper part of the walled city of Acropolis. You don’t have to take a donkey. The walk isn’t bad. If you have a health condition, it might be best to hire a donkey taxi for about 10-20 Euros. (Bartering is part of the process.)

Along the walkway to the top of Acropolis, Lindos, Greece
The trail to the summit of the Acropolis is narrow, paved with stones and sometimes concrete and is level.

Walking behind the donkey taxis to the top of Acropolis, Lindos, Greece
The shops along the way to Acropolis, Lindos, Greece are romantic and have lovely jewelry, baked goods, clothing, and gifts.
It’s an easy but steep walk, so take your time and take in your surroundings. Wear good walking shoes and bring sunscreen and a hat.
The donkey taxis’ last stop; they aren’t allowed in the Acropolis.
Don’t forget to bring cash. It’s a long walk down to ATMs. The entrance fee is about six Euros.
Inside the Acropolis
Monuments markers explain the ruins and buildings of the Acropolis. Buildings once lined the walled city.
My buddy Ivan from Russia.
Ivan Snapped a shot of me at the Acropolis in Lindos, Greece.
Views from the Top of the Acropolis
Make sure you go early. If you are like me, I don’t like to get sunburned so bring a hat. Going early avoids the crowds too – crowds drive me crazy.
It gets hot at the top the Acropolis in Lindos, Greece.
For a tourist site, the Acropolis didn’t seem very crowded, but it was early.
Fantastic views of the sea.
Wander Without a Guide
On the walls along the exit to the lower level, there are boats with graffiti from ancient times.
The Acropolis has great views and remains of old buildings that are very well preserved. It’s well marked and worth the time to go to see this site if ancient ruins are your fancy.
Love this Lady! Had to take her photo, I have no idea who she is, but she looked as happy as I felt.
Unlike most antiquities sites, you can climb the ruins!
Great Views on the Way Down
Don’t forget to look up and behind for more great views of the ruins!
Things to See in Lindos, Greece
Hotel vacancies are abundant. I suggest wandering around and pick the one you like best and stay the night. No reservation needed.
Every courtyard has a garden.
Don’t forget to shop.
Back to Rhodes, Greece
After a short bus ride, you will be back in Rhodes. Stop in at the Old Islamic Library to close out your day; it is worth the time to see.
Rhodes, Greece was very relaxed and a perfect place for spring, summer or fall visit. I hope it’s in your plans and bucket list.
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