Animal Lovers Learn Why Istanbul Cats Make Everyone Happier

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Istanbul Cats Make Everyone Happier

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Our little group settled into a daily routine. Why was Zeki happier? One reason was that he had adopted a cat. They had a new relationship.

 How Istanbul’s Cats Make Everyone Happier

Istanbul Cats Make Everyone Happier

Zeki was making a little family by adopting a black-and-white stray cat that hung around the shop. The cat adopted Zeki, and Zeki returned the feelings with lots of petting and attention. Cats rule in Istanbul and have been known to adopt famous people and even events like G20 Summit. Cats Rule in Istanbul!

Istanbul Cats Make Everyone Happier

Zeki named the cat Monkey. He liked the sound of the word.

Istanbul Cats Make Everyone Happier Istanbul Cats Make Everyone Happier

Monkey, the cat, was the newest member of our family.

She had a prime seat, usually next to Zeki. When Monkey was there, she gave the best seat to him and hopped in his lap. If anyone chased her, Zeki calmed Monkey down and brought her back to her prized place. He would give her a sweet caress. He settled Monkey down and back she went to her seat, calmly proud of her spot.

Istanbul Cats Make Everyone Happier

Istanbul Cats Make Everyone Happier

They had a beautiful relationship. She made him happier, and he did same for her. They were content.

Istanbul Cats Make Everyone Happier

She played in the shoes. It amused Zeki.

Istanbul Cats Make Everyone Happier

Zeki worried about Monkey, looking for her when she wasn’t around.

Istanbul Cats Make Everyone Happier

Monkey had become family

Istanbul Cats Make Everyone Happier. Zeki was more joyful because of monkey, and he showed it whenever she came at the store. He was 26 years old. He was making a family. Monkey chose to be part of his new family. We all loved Monkey.

Istanbul Cats Make Everyone Happier

She always returned to the shop.

Istanbul Cats Make Everyone Happier, and Monkey made us all very happy. Do you have a pet cat? Do cats make you more comfortable? Some of my friends are afraid of cats, but I love them and cats make me happier?

Travel tip: watch out for wild cats and dogs in Istanbul. I watched people feeding them at outdoor restaurants, and they got bit. The last thing I want to deal with when I am traveling is an animal bite. So be careful – don’t feed the animals.


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Kate started traveling for work. Now with grown children, who are travelers, she travels for pleasure looking for great travel experiences. Currently, her home is in Bellevue, WA, and lives with her cat Angelina Jolie. She has a Bachelor's of Fine Arts, Studio Arts and Art History from the University of Colorado, and from City University, Seattle, an MBA and Master of Arts, Management. Her favorite things are exploring cultures, traveling the world, creating a painting and sour foods.