Hiking Horse Lake Trailhead in Wenatchee, Washington
Some days are grand because of where you are, who you are with and what you are doing. When all three happen, you have a spectacular day. For me, hiking Horse Lake Trailhead in Wenatchee, Washington was one of those days that had all three.
Hiking Horse Lake Trailhead
When you are looking for hiking in Washington State, try Washington Trail Association (WTA) to find the latest map, write a review about your trip or post your photos to help other hikers. There is a lot of information on the site. But, none of it compared to what I experienced. What made the day and the hike special for me was the people I was with and the gorgeous location.

When you get to the trailhead, there is a small parking area.
Caution Hikers and Visitors
Mountain bikers, hikers, and runners all share and use the same paths. Some areas, for equestrian, were closed the end of April and beginning of May. I found I keep my head down when I am hiking. Therefore, because I kept my head down, I had to pay attention to the road in order to share it with others. Therefore, I guess I have to get out of my head when I am hiking.
For this hike, we selected a route that was five miles round trip. It had a lot of switchbacks, and some might get frustrated that you can’t just walk straight up the hill. Horse Lake Trailhead is what I wanted on this day. Not to had and not to easy for me.. I am a beginner hiker, therefore at this stage of the hiking season, it was perfect for me.
After you pick your route, onward and upward to some gorgeous views of the Wenatchee Valley, river, and the mountains in the distance.
Big views – Hiking Horse Lake Trailhead

Fantastic views beyond this part of the Wenatchee Mountains
Rolling Hills
The hike delivered beautiful views which I had no doubt we would find. We were looking for yellow and purple wildflowers and found plenty of them!

The path is a meandering, relaxing hike. The challenge when walking or hiking is to stay present. I didn’t bring my Nikon camera and took only my cell phone. I had to remind myself to stop whining about not having my big camera. However, by not bringing my Nikon, made me think more about the photos I took. Because I didn’t have my big camera, I therefore, took fewer photos. But this accident made the hike better, and made an enjoyable time being outside on a beautiful Pacific Northwest day. Certainly, being on autopilot with my big camera, wouldn’t have done the hike justice.
Photographer’s Paradise – Hiking Horse Lake Trailhead
Horse Lake Trailhead is a photographer’s paradise. My friends were great to travel and hike with because I don’t think anyone took a long time taking their photos or slowed down the group in any way. We also all enjoyed the company, the pace, and quietness. We weren’t a talkative group – but couldn’t help complimenting mother nature’s wonder and how green this area was. This year, Wenatchee spring is impressive. The valley is so green. None of us had ever seen the valley such a bright shades of green, with purple and yellow accents. Typically the Wenatchee Valley is brown, shades of barren dirt green. I guess all the rain this winter has been worth it!
One other point, it was very windy.
Rambling Trail Sites at Horse Lake Trailhead

Amazing purple and yellow fields.

Lupin and wild sage dot the fields and hills
My travel tip: It was great to share this day with a wonderful group of people; we couldn’t stop talking about how great the hike was the entire drive back to Seattle. I didn’t know my group too well, but we had such a lovely time. I hope to see them again soon. Traveling alone is great but when you can find good people to travel with, it makes the experience even better.
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