How to Visit The Holocaust Memorial, in Brasov, Romania
Three hundred and eighty thousand (380,000) Jews, Gypsies and people from other minority groups killed by the Nazis were from Romanian. The Jews of Brasov suffered more than any other group of individuals, and the Brasov, Romania Holocaust Memorial reminds us of their suffering and sacrifice.
See the Holocaust Memorial, Brasov, Romania
Before we reached the Memorial, my guide Nicolae took me on a walk. We walked quietly down the streets. Nicolae told me that Brasov has the smallest street in the world.
I wonder how a fact like that is known? Who documents smallest streets?
There are trade shops, from medieval times, that are still in use today. We walked and talked about the Holocaust, how it changed Romanian history.
The Holocaust significantly reduced the Romanian Jewish population. The Jews have never come back to Brasov. Their history impacts us today and our future; the impact is never understood at the time that it is happening but only when we look back.
Before we entered the Jew’s neighborhood, Nicolae told me more about this tragic loss the people of Brasov, Romania endured. The Holocaust Memorial reminds us of their loss and societies loss, because of the Nazis.
In this sleepy little town, Brasov, Transylvania, a memorial to the thousands of Jewish people who died here. The memorial, located in Brasov because out of the 380,000 people killed in Romania, 150,000 came from Brasov.
It’s hard for me to think about this or comprehend this and the number of people that died from just one town. Beautiful Brazov is important to see. Brasov’s Holocaust Memorial is important to see because if Nazi’s can come and take people from here, then this can happen in a quiet little town anywhere.
The Holocaust Memorial reminds me of this horrific event. I feel sad, just writing this post. Sadness isn’t bad if something good can come out of it. So I think the good that can come out of this – is that we never forget this history! So here are my photos from visiting the inside of the synagogue.
By the way, Holocaust Memorial, Brasov, Romania doesn’t charge an entrance fee. For more
For more photos of Romania here.
Never Miss a Holocaust Memorial
Usually, Nicolae gives this private tour to Jewish families retracing their family roots. Even though I am not Jewish, I think it’s important for Christians, non-believers, and all people to see Holocaust Memorials. Hopefully, it’s not just Jews that recall this loss.
We went here because I asked to see it. I visit Holocaust Memorials, so I can keep my daughter KC and my tradition alive. Our tradition is never to miss a Holocaust Memorial. We believe, we must never forget what was done then by one group to another group. The event of the Holocaust reminds me of the Syrian crisis today. It seems that some Syrians targeted because of their religion seems similar to this horrific even in many ways. I hope I am wrong.
When I think about life in today’s world, the Syrian crisis reminds me of some terrible similarities. It seems to me some Syrians are being targeted in the same way. I hope I am wrong. Hopefully, we have learned tolerance, and we help the refugees that are feeling persecution.
This kind of evil happens. It happened here.
Eventually, we were back in our particular car at our special parking spot. Because we made record time. We saw a lot more of the town because of our prime parking spot. We paid more than usual to park here. But sometimes paying more saves time. To me, saving time is worth every penny because I can see more sites.
Regardless, I felt like a princess. I have to admit; I liked being a princess.
For more Photos about the Holocaust Memorial click here.
Travel tip: If you aren’t going by private car, or a rental car, it takes a while to get here by bus – most likely it will take a full day to get here and see the town and site.
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