General Travel Advice
Eat the Best Food at Four Seasons, Istanbul
Treat yourself to a fabulous meal Dine at the Four Seasons Istanbul and enjoy a fabulous Sunday buffet at my favorite hotel. The best meal is the all-you-can-eat buffet brunch, including drinks, coffee, and champagne if you like it! Splurge in Istanbul! Its worth it.
Four Seasons Istanbul Dining.
Four Seasons Sultanahmet in Istanbul Sultanahmet is well known because it used to be the Jail of Sultanhamet and now as a great hotel and culinary delights. The brunch at the Four Seasons, Sultanahmet is famous because it is a great hotel and has magnificent culinary delights. The location is great because it’s in the heart of the tourist area, Sultanahmet. When I went there, I started my meal with a Starbucks Dupio, iced, that I had bought earlier that morning.
I love espresso
The waiter saw it and said, “I can make a better one — will you have?” I agreed.
Double espresso!
My advice is to spend the extra money to go to the Four Seasons hotel for fine dining and the best Sunday brunch. Treat yourself the way you want to be treated. Here’s how to do it.
First, pick a location for your fine dining
Location, location, location. My wish list grows and shrinks, but is never gone. For my splurge, I usually pick the Four Seasons in Bosphorus, or Sultanahmet, when I am in Istanbul. Over the past seven years, I have come to this magnificent city about a dozen times.
Beginning — This is the entrance to your experience
Middle — What is the meat of the location?
End — What will close the experience
Before you leave the restaurant, make sure you see everything. At the Four Seasons, I wanted to visit the rooftop because of the overall view and the ancient ruins that can be seen from that level.
How all-you-can-eat buffets are like travel itineraries
To eat this much food, just like when I travel, I have to make a plan.
First, I plan how I am going to start. Next, I select a location or course to begin. How I finish my meal, or my trip is also set. I don’t want to leave out a course that is a favorite just because I filled up on the wrong food.
Dine at the Four Seasons Istanbul – Keep a wish list
- Write down your favorite locations
- Next, prioritize them based on what you know today
- Change your plan when you learn more
- If you are close to a Wish List location, look into going there
Build a plan for your meal
- Create the overview of your experience — take in all the facts, research, and research some more as you decide
- Develop a strategy
- Make a plan
- What is your objective
- Decide what is a must-have
- Decide what is extra
- Learn to prioritize
- Compromise
What’s the main course?
Dine at the Four Seasons Istanbul – Develop a Strategy
- What is your plan?
- Decide what is ‘must-have.’
- What is extra?
- Learn to prioritize
- Compromise
As for me, I love protein, veggies, fruit and chocolate, in that order.
Then, enjoy your meal!
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