Planning Four Days in Budapest or Bucharest
I thought I was going to Budapest or Bucharest for four days. These were the top two places on my wish list. Here is why and how I decided to spend Four Days in Budapest or Bucharest. So instead, I had to decide if I was going to Budapest or Bucharest for four days. These were the top two places on my wish list. Here is why and how I decided. So, demolition of the hotel next door means it’s time to leave the area.
Four Days in Budapest or Bucharest
Why I Went to Bucharest
The day started with the building across the street from my hotel a build’s demolition was happening. It went on for days and nights. The noise was deafening. The workmen were smashing concrete and cement with loud jackhammers. My quiet little room with my Ottoman breakfast seemed less than restful. I couldn’t stay. I had to leave to get away from the noise and chaos.
Time to make a new plan.
Why leave Istanbul?
I have been to Istanbul about ten times since 2007. For the past few years, I have come to Istanbul each summer because my friends invite me. When I decided that I had to go to a new hotel, Figuring, my thought was, that I might as well see a new city or country. Had I known what I do today, to choose Four Days in Budapest or Bucharest? There is only one choice – experience Bucharest!
Airfare was cheap, the dollar was high, and I had four days off.
Time to take advantage of where East meets West. Why not!
Budapest or Bucharest for four days?
How to decide on one of two places?
Budapest seemed like a good idea. However, in September 2015, the train stations and city of Budapest were overrun by immigrants, refugees and people fleeing from war. People said it was a Syrian refugee crisis. That wasn’t true. People were going to Budapest to get into Europe. It was a European crisis. I called my daughter to talk with her about Budapest.
Four Days in Budapest or Bucharest
My daughter quickly nixed my idea. She asked if I had been watching the TV or had seen the news. Nope, I hadn’t been watching the news or doing much of anything but hanging out at the bazaar. That is why I called her, to chat about my choices. I didn’t have the right information. Without information, I might make the wrong choice.
Syrians in Europe
A little background on my perspective. Last year, I photographed the Syrian refugees in Jordan at the UN refugee camps and medical mission, part of the Royal Jordanian Women’s Relief Fund. The Syrian situation in Budapest would have been fascinating to me. My daughter didn’t like the idea. The Cliff Notes’ version of our conversation was that she didn’t want me to go. I don’t like to make her worry. So changing my plan was the best thing. One good idea down. That only makes room for another!
Course correction — No to Budapest
Bucharest wins!
Ok. Next stop — What to do there?
Bucharest — to look for Dracula and castles
You might be asking, am I always random about my trips?
Four Days in Budapest or Bucharest
Yes and no. I have a wish list, and I use it. When I am close to a new place, my priority is to visit the most attractive, closest, and hopefully the cheapest place to visit. Romania fit the bill. It was the shortest distance away, and September is the perfect time of year to visit. Price, time and weather determine my destination. There are so many places that I want to see. I use these factors to help me decide where to go. I use what’s happening with the weather, season, politics, the type of clothes I have with me, and my cultural experience.
The world is always changing, so my trips have a tendency to change
- Don’t be afraid of change.
- Change is a good thing.
I think where ever you are, is just where you are supposed to be. Things have a way of working out. Roll with the flow.
How to control travel costs
I set my departure and return dates in advance. I do this to control the cost of the trip and to stay on budget. The length of time of a trip is the single best way to control your costs. By picking a fixed departure and return date, I set the amount of time I am away. But I also want to stay flexible, in case a better option becomes available.
Change is good; change is our friend.
- Planning ahead,
- Pick low seasons for lower rates,
- Possibly traveling off-season for the lowest prices,
- And setting the length of time will help you afford the trip cost.
My plans are flexible and tweaked as needed
- Set your departure and return dates to control the cost of your trip.
- Keep your itinerary open; plan as you go.
- Save money by booking regional flights, local transportation and making your tour package. Booking Regional flights avoid taxes and fees.
Why Romania
Romania is a Latin-speaking country. The language sounds like Italian. If you speak Italian, you may be able to read it. The Romanian language has some Turkish and Russian words in it. I felt that communist countries or former communist countries feel relatively safe. But, is anywhere safe, always take care when you travel.
Romania is a great place to visit. Romanians love foreign tourists. Americans are welcome, and no visa is needed. It’s beautiful; the dollar-to-lei exchange rate is favorable. Romania is an excellent value.
How I booked Bucharest in 30 minutes
- First I bought my airplane ticket.
- Buy your ticket at least 14 days in advance and always, at least, six hours before departure.
- Most times, both of these tactics will save you money.
- Next, book a hotel. I had no problem using booking.com again.
- Book the best-value accommodations that you can afford.
- Pack what is needed. Store some things at the hotel.
- Ready to go!
- Be careful about how you choose to get to the airport. Try to use public transportation.
- I took the Marmaris from Sircik to Ataturk Airport with my metro pass.
- Always look at your visa and know if its multi-entry.
- My passport and multi-entry Turkish visa were ready.
My weekend get-a-way planned.
Hopefully, the construction would be over when I got back.
Off to Bucharest!
I think I am glad I decide to take Four Days in Budapest or Bucharest. Travel tip: Very pleased I went to Bucharest!
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