Dating and Travel Relationships
First – I want to wish everyone a great day! Solo or with a partner – we all need to share the love. Hopefully, if you are reading this, you are happily dating, enjoy your solo status or your travel relationships. As a solo female or with a friend, one morning when you wake up you may wish you had the perfect romantic travel partner. Dating and traveling relationships are very complicated. Therefore, based on my observations and faith in people, three categories fit most relationships struck-up while traveling.
3 Types of Dating and Traveling Relationships
One Night Stand
After thinking about this, I thought I would start with the most open kind of relationship. Most likely, you are either into or want to avoid this relationship. Ahh, I am not into this. So I have to be candid even if you think I am a prude. The one night stand sometimes happens because the moment sweeps you away. Perhaps you consciously decided why not? Or you lost your bearings and weren’t thinking clearly. Regardless of whatever the reason, no one will know, and that is my point.
One Night Stands Are What They Are
They are a probably not a relationship; they just happen at the moment. For me, these are crazy dangerous relationships. Today, the one-night stand is especially critical when traveling. I am not lecturing – trust me – I get it!
But, for goodness sake – be careful. Let someone know where you are going, like the hotel front desk. And take every precaution known to man or woman.
So what’s your plan?
But, if you are alone if no person on earth knows where you are, how would you ever get found again? What if something happens? When traveling, you might not be able to ask a girlfriend to call you in two hours. So what’s your plan?
Do you have someone to cover your back? A friend you can trust? Do you have a wing-gal, someone who cares? Maybe it’s a wingman?
Friends for Now
Now let’s talk about the other categories. I will call the next group, the Friends for now. This applies to a man or even a woman you meet. I will use ‘he’ for now. So, he is someone whose company is better than being alone. Maybe he is someone you want to know for now. Perhaps he is someone you want to know better in this place and at this time.
It takes lots of time to become a forever relationship. Whether you meet a nice woman to hang out with or a kind gentleman, they can be the perfect person for the moment and circumstance. This friendship or acquaintance doesn’t have to more involved. Sometimes, it isn’t more complicated than a pleasant day or night, and a new adventure.

Maybe these relationships are like the wingman or gal I am referring to above – you are friends for now. She or he will watch your back.
These other posts might help – as you think through, solo travel.
The facts are Dating, and Travel Relationships are complicated. You might be getting into something more than you can handle.
To Be Friends and More Than Friends
To be friends or more than friends, there are common values you need to share. Do you have similar values, interests, and views on money? For example: if you are going to a museum and you want to share a guide, and the other person doesn’t, what do you do?
You could choose to meet up later, or you could offer to pay the total expense; your new friend might be worth you treating. After a while, you may find that your different views on money may become an unnecessary burden. So, take it slowly and get to know each other and if you have shared values. Can you collaborate with this new person you want to be friends with for now or longer? Dating and Travel Relationships might be perfect for now and not longer.
Key tip: When it comes to people who fall under the friends, for now, category, everyone has baggage. If you are with someone, you are going to help carry their bags.
Travel tip: The question is when you are traveling or for that matter in life, whose bags do you want to carry?
Consider if these points are red flags to you:
- Drinking – do you share the same view on drinking?
- Money – do you share the same view on money?
- Activity level- constantly on the go or only do a few things a day?
- Museums- love or hate?
- Eating habits – are you vegan, and they are a carnivore?
- Time – are they in a hurry or do they meander? Early riser or stay out late?
Better than Friends
The last and probably the broadest category is the better than friends group. While traveling, it’s easy to meet friendly people. I have met fantastic people when on my trip. Honestly, meeting people is why I travel so much. I love meeting interesting people, and I have met many, and we still talk and help each other. Some of these have become friends for life. So whether on the road or at home – some people just get you. Some people know you from the first encounter and moment – you just seem to be on the same page. These people I call better than friends.
Sometimes Dating and Travel Relationships can be the best relations you have ever had because you met doing something you both share and love.
Real Friendship
These people become your friends. A friend that covers for you and protect your back. They give up what they might want for you, and do what’s best for you. Because what is best for you is best for them too. I have met people and immediately became friends because of an event.
Recently, someone I met while traveling six years ago reached out to me for help. Yes, we still support each other. We became instant friends. Whether traveling or at home, there is no way to know when a relationship will strike. When is the moment that makes a friend for life? I have no idea, but you will when you find it.
Sometimes Dating and Travel Relationships is a once in a lifetime experience – and that might be a good experience or a bad experience!
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