Costa Rica
See Costa Rica’s Crocodiles, Frogs, and Butterflies
My flight to Costa Rica was uneventful. At the airport, I was met by Jose who drove me to my friends home on the beach in a tiny town in Costa Rica. The name of the town doesn’t really matter because it was very remote, and not even mentioned on a map. I was super excited to be on my way to see my friend Laura and her husband Michael and to stay at their home. I was also meeting two of her friends who were already there. Our one week vacation was going to be relaxing, spending time on the beach, in the pool, eating, maybe a hike or two and just reading books.
We all knew each other from The Seattle Yacht Club. But know of them knew me really, and only knew me in passing from the club. As soon as I arrived at Laura’s home she handed fresh coconut water in a coconut. This welcomed me their paradise home. However, when I woke the next day, I was sicker than a dog. I had a horrible mind-bending cold and had to stay in bed. The beautiful views, a beautiful house on a private white sandy beach couldn’t get me out of bed, I was very sick.
After being sick for a few days, I got a little stir crazy. Laura, the most amazing hostess, felt terrible for me. She couldn’t make me better or easy my pain and discomfort. She knew I wanted to see beautiful Costa Rica. Laura decided to help. She knew I wanted to go out for a bit. So she planned an outing to a butterfly farm to see frogs. It would be a short trip. She didn’t think I would last out and about for long. Everyone knows there is nothing worse than a summer cold – except getting sick on vacation in a humid tropical paradise. Now, it might seem funny to want to get out to see frogs but, one critter was a poisonous frog. Doesn’t everyone want to see Costa Rica’s Crocodiles, Frogs, and Butterflies? I did. So off we all went to see them.
Frogs and Butterflies
My favorite part of Costa Rica is the butterflies. Every morning butterflies were all over the grounds at Laura’s home. So when we went to the little farm, it had a tough act to follow after seeing Laura’s butterfly show. Butterflies swarm all over the Costa Rica. There were more butterflies at Laura’s home than on the farm. So my suggestion is to wake up early, take a cup of tea and go for an early morning hike. If you do that, you will see loads of butterflies. You could also just sit in a groove of flowering bushes to see hundreds of butterflies all over the island.
So my suggestion is to wake up early, take a cup of tea and go for an early morning hike. If you do that, you will see loads of butterflies. You could also just sit in a groove of flowering bushes to see hundreds of butterflies. They are all over the island before i.
Travel tip: Make sure you go to see butterflies before it gets hot. They are all over the island but are sensitive to the heat.Go hunting early in the morning. they don’t come out when it’s too hot.
My Favorite Typical Day
So needless to say, my favorite morning activity each day was watching butterflies, walking the beach, and hunting for sand dollars and shells. Costa Rica is an outdoor paradise, but, it gets hot early, so bring clothes that layer and are breathable and use sunscreen. The humidity can be almost thick in the mountains. One other point. Bring bug spray the bugs – a variety of them can munch on you at any time of day.
Costa Rica’s Crocodiles, Frogs, and Butterflies
My Beloved Butterflies
There was one butterfly that was wounded. I don’t think it could fly. See the chip in its wing. The butterfly was still enough to get a great photo without a tripod. Sad to see this wounded beauty but I am glad she is in a safe place. Take care beautiful butterfly.
Rene joined us on our trip to Costa Rica’s Crocodiles, Frogs, and Butterflies farm. Rene and Fred were also house guests while I was there. Here is where we saw the poisonous frog. It is the little red one in the picture below. But, the tiny little frog that we held was a lot more fun than the Poisonous Red Frog. Funny how simple things like frogs and turtles can be so much fun, especially when you are with friends.
I think Costa Rica is a place to go with friends. It is relaxed, and everything takes a little longer to do. Life revolves around good food, sumptuous drinks by the pool or on the beach and good conversations. If you like outdoor activities, swimming, hiking, surfing, fishing, and zip lining are available. But, you do need a car in Costa Rica or a driver and a car.
The Turtle are- not poisonous!
Here is the little devil – the Red Frog, tiny and full of deadly venom.

Poisonous frog
Crocodiles or Alligators?
After seeing Costa Rica’s Crocodiles, Frogs, and Butterflies farm, we took a walk around town. By the way, that isn’t the real name of the place. I don’t think it had a name. Costa Rica’s Crocodiles, Frogs, and Butterflies is my name for the little backyard farm – which is minuscule. It is a tiny exhibit. It feels like you are in a backyard cage.
No feeding the beasts!
So having seen the Butterflies and Frogs, we went into town and saw crocs – or – alligators along the river bank.
We went into town and saw crocs – or – alligators along the river bank. It is an everyday occurrence in Costa Rica to see dangerous animals everywhere. We spotted these critters as we walked across a bridge on the way to town. Are they alligators or crocs? I called the alligators ‘crocs’ the whole time I was there. It drove everyone crazy. Everyone called them alligators, seems the locals call them crocodiles. No feeding the beasts!
The sign seems to say Crocodiles – so I am going with Crocodiles because I think that is what the locals call them, or at least that is what they have posted on the signs.
Roadside Attractions
Across the bridge was a small town. We parked and went into the town to do a little shopping for food and supplies. Roadside shops spring up everywhere. Made by locals in some cases but, most are cheap imitations souveniers or Chinese knock-offs. These items or goods are cheap and easy to sell because they are inexpensive.
Back at Home
Mi casa Su casa. We were back at our lovely home with complete privacy and a very romantic location. The gated homestead kept us safe from backpackers or others that might want to crash our private party.
Our front yard view was the Pacific Ocean.
The Estate We called Home
As the day wrapped up, we began to prepare the evening meal and make snacks to take down to the beach. We got ready for sunset by getting the hammock out and taking snacks to the beach cabana area. The five us chatted and waited for the sunset to reveal her glory.
Cocktail Hour or Two
I have to say; Laura is the ultimate hostess! She loves to cook and entertain and make people feel welcome. We loved her location and that Costa Rica is quiet walks and fast car rides on the beach, and sportfishing. For the ‘foodie’ there is plenty of fresh, wholesome food, local restaurants, and great people. Location, yes the location and views are what make Costa Rica unique. See the fab sunsets every night, and the laid back lifestyle gives you more than enough time to relax. It’s the place to enjoy friendship.
Travel tip: get up early before it is too warm and humid to see butterflies for free.
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