Where to Ride Camels in Cairo, Egypt for Solo Women Travelers

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Top 7 Cairo, Egypt Sights

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When someone says Cairo. Egypt,  what are Cairo, Egypt sights, my thoughts immediately jump to the Pyramids and the Sphinx, you know, the stuff we studied in history class when we were growing up. Cario, Egypt shouldn’t be missed in our worldwide travels because of all those childhood lessons and stories come alive if you go to Egypt. Egypt is breathtaking and magical and better than the stories we learned in history class. The Pyramids, the Sphinx, the noisy city streets, the crowds, the bazaars and are all part of our childhood impressions. But, my time there was better than the average trip. My experience in Cairo, Egypt was unique because I saw Cairo through the eyes of my friend Rana. She was born and raised here and today lives here with her husband and little girl. She asked me during my visit – Why does everyone come here to visit? What makes this tourist destination unique?

7 Fabulous Egyptian Experiences – Best Cairo, Egypt Sights

My answer to Rana was “Cairo Egypt must be seen because this is the cradle of civilization – we can all trace our heritage back to Egypt. Whether you are American, French, Turkish or South African, our culture can be traced back to glorious ancient Egypt.”

Rana, a local woman from Eygpt, and I discovered why Cario, Egypt is unique. Here are my favorites sights in Cairo, Egypt.

1) Egyptian Pyramids

How were the Egyptian Pyramids built? The Pharos changed the world landscape and were builders that used modern engineering, mathematics, organization and logistics to create one of the ancient wonders that still confounds the experts today. The foundational skills needed to build the Great Pyramids are fundamental to modern civilization. The Egyptian Pyramids symbolize modern culture.

See The Great Pyramids

Best Sights in Cairo, Egypt, Cairo, Egypt Sights

Riding Camels to Cairo, Egypt Sights

Imagine – the Great Pyramid is Huge and about an hour ride from this photo.

The Great Pyramid was once covered with white plaster so during ancient times image the glistening like a giant lantern in the desert, a beacon dedicated to the sun.

We Rode Camels and Arabians To The Pyramids

Best Sights in Cairo, Egypt,Cairo, Egypt Sights

Rana and Me – Cairo, Egypt Sights. We Saw Ancient Statues

Best Sights in Cairo, Egypt, Cairo, Egypt Sights

We Did Our versions of Selfies

Cairo Egypt, Best Sights in Cairo, Egypt, Cairo, Egypt Sights

2) The Great Sphinx

An Icon, bigger than life and when I think of Egypt, I think of the Great Sphinx.


Best Sights in Cairo, Egypt, Cairo, Egypt Sights

The Great Spinx

Yes in the heart of Cairo, Egypt is the Great Sphinx – can you believe it?

Best Sights in Cairo, Egypt, Cairo, Egypt Sights

3) View of Cairo Is Like a Scene from Starwars the Movie

Best Sights in Cairo, Egypt, Cairo, Egypt Sights

4) The Streets of Cairo, Egypt – Asphalt, Dirt, and Sand

The animals live on the bottom floor, and the families live on the second floor of the same building.

Cairo, Egypt Sights

The Streets of Cairo, Egypt

5) Ancient and Modern Transportation All in One Place

Cairo, Egypt Sights

Riding Camels

Best Sights in Cairo, Egypt,Cairo, Egypt Sights

Wearing a White Scarf for Hair Protection From Sun and Dirt

Best Sights in Cairo, Egypt,Cairo, Egypt Sights


Best Sights in Cairo, Egypt,Cairo, Egypt Sights

6) Where Old Meets The New – Egyptian Bedouins – Tours That You Can Join

We love the Bedouins – the aren’t restrained by borders and know how to protect their ancient lands.
The Egyptian Bedouins protect the ancient treasures in Egypt today in the Sinai Desert to the north of Cairo according to CNN.

Best Sights in Cairo, Egypt.,Cairo, Egypt Sights

Riding Arabian Horses in Gaza Desert

Best Sights in Cairo, Egypt,Cairo, Egypt Sights

Riding in the Desert to the Pyramids

Best Sights in Cairo, Egypt, Cairo, Egypt Sights

Our Arabian Horse

We loved riding in the desert so much we did it twice!

Best Sights in Cairo, Egypt,Cairo, Egypt Sights

7) The People of Cairo

men egypt, Cairo, Egypt Sights

People of Cairo Egypt – Men and Women Different Than The USA

women egypt,Cairo, Egypt Sights

 After Several Days Being Tourists in Cairo, Egypt

When I look back at my experience in Cairo, Egypt the highlight of my trip came after Rana acted like a tourist in her hometown! She finally understood why people come to her great city. She saw Cairo the way I did. Her hometown is an ancient city where the best view of our past is seen while we are in the present. Cairo today is a modern, thriving city with deep roots in history.

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Kate started traveling for work. Now with grown children, who are travelers, she travels for pleasure looking for great travel experiences. Currently, her home is in Bellevue, WA, and lives with her cat Angelina Jolie. She has a Bachelor's of Fine Arts, Studio Arts and Art History from the University of Colorado, and from City University, Seattle, an MBA and Master of Arts, Management. Her favorite things are exploring cultures, traveling the world, creating a painting and sour foods.