Awesome African Safari Animal Photos
Since my foot was hurting more each hour, I decided to take as many photos as possible to take my mind off of the pain. For some reason the more I took pictures, the less I noticed that my foot was killing me. These are my best African safari animal shots from the trip.
These are my best African safari animal shots from the trip. These photos were my pain medicine. In hindsight, these amazing animals were my salvation. The provided diversion, but, more importantly, the view was breathtaking. I couldn’t contain, how happy the animals made during a terrible situation. I think they upped my endorphin level which was the best pain medicine.
My Best African Safari Animal Shots
The birds when I saw them were among my favorites photos and animals to spot. I say this, because, birds are actually pretty hard to find and photograph in Tanzania.

Nesting Vultures!
Majestic Zebras

The animals altogether
Elegant Elephants
Magnificent Monkeys
Astonishing Antelope

Just crossing the road to get to the other side
Unbelievable Baboons

Then the Baboons came down the road

The baboons ran by in every direction

Momma gives baby a ride
The animals were so close. Until I came home and saw what I had in my camera, I didn’t know what I experienced.
In case you want to see more of my photos, please check out the Photo Gallery.
Honestly, If I hadn’t been hurt, this was a very cool location. The animals, the staff at the hotels were very nice. The accommodations were good. You can spend more and get better accommodations such as tents over rivers and along river banks. I would be careful who you travel with, in Tanzania, Africa. I recommend this tour company because they have great accommodations. Additionally, if you get hurt you will be able to leave the tour and they will help you find medical help. You might not even have to go home if you find medical care immediately after you are hurt.
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