About Kate
About the Story Behind Kate’s Travel Blog
I’m Kate, a solo female, traveling alone most of the time. It’s nice to meet you! Where in the World is Kate, is about me, a Single Woman 50+, traveling alone to incredible travel destinations. The site and travel blog delivers travel tips and travel photos of real travel destinations adventures that everyone loves! I want to share my passion for travel with you. If I can travel, you can too. Where in the World do you want to go? Let me help you achieve your travel destinations. Let’s Go!
Female Travel at 50 Plus
This is me today. I love seeing the world, meeting new people, and learning new things even if I’m a female solo traveling alone. I love the people I meet and how diverse the world is and how much more we share in common. In 2007, I started traveling the globe. Now, I’ve been to more than 50 countries. When I started, my friends asked me to tell them about my trips, experiences, and any real tips I learned. I carefully thought about it, because it’s a lot of work and certainly not easy to write a travel photography blog. Hopefully, my journey inspires you to travel comfortably, on your budget, solo or with a friend. Just do it your way. Need more inspiration? My travel friends post, interesting tidbits, and advice will also inspire you.
Let’s do what we love, be who we are, love who we are, and embrace this moment of our life. Read the best Female Travel site for 50+ and any stage of life. Oh, one other thing! Guys, younger people, and reluctant travelers, this is for you too!
My Travel
I’m a blessed mom. My two grown kids are my greatest joy. My life is full of creativity. This blog is the behind the scene stories about my journey, the why, the what, and how; I live my creative mission. I hope it inspires you to live creatively too.
See all our travel tales here.
Experience Traveling Alone by Reading
I travel all-the-time and learned some good travel hacks. If I can help you save money, time, and travel more, on your budget, to places you dream about, then I’m successful. Sharing your travel with your children or friends is my mission. “Where in the World” encourages people to do and go to your favorite destinations. Female solo travel can be done on your budget. Just remember, traveling is the goal. There is always a way to travel more, no matter what the circumstances are. I’m always looking for new ways to travel more. Therefore, comment and share your advice to help me and others.
Behind the Scenes
Are you a solo female traveler? Would you like to be? My observation is that when it comes to travel, people in their 50s often find, they either don’t have the money, the partner, or the health to travel, they want. When I was up against these issues, I dealt with it and learned how to be a solo female traveler. I know many women and men, face these challenges. Men have the same challenges as women do at this stage of life. We all survive. We share a lot in common with millenniums, we all want great experiences. Never, ever, have I been a victim, and you aren’t either.
Hopefully, my story inspires you to try. You can even submit your travel advice and be published on the site. Want to learn more? Keep reading. Want to skip ahead? You can do that too.
Friends Call Me Kate. I Love Female Travel 50+
Where in the World is Kate? Is written from all over the world, by me, Kate and my friends. One thing to note, travel photography is my favorite part of traveling. I love to capture those once in a lifetime experiences. My travel photography is my original work and that of my guest writers photos. The photo below is me in 2015 visiting Rhodes, Greece.
Solo Female Travel & Female Travel 50+
In 2007, my consulting work took me to several countries. On Trip Advisor in 2009, I began writing reviews. By 2010, my passion for solo trips, outdoor trekking, meeting people and seeing new places inspired many of my friends to follow me on Facebook.
We played a game called, “Where in the World is Kate?”
After seeing my pictures and hearing about the trips on Facebook, my friends asked me to write a blog about my adventures.
Therefore, my blog, “Where in the World is Kate?” delivers my travel backstory. Indeed, if you want to learn how and why I travel so much, this is for you. You might ask, how do I afford traveling so much? Here is how I do it. My trips are funded by site donations, sponsors, and my consulting work. They are relatively inexpensive trips. I plan ahead, and take advantage of all the great deals I can find. However, I’m not cheap. Sacrificing comfort at the expense of price isn’t good value to me. I
More About Me
As I said, I’ve lived in many places around the world. I’ve lived in Istanbul on and off for several years because of my work. I painted a 2×4-meter commissioned mural canvas for an architect in Tuscany. In Jordan, I photographed Syrian refugees. In Israel for the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia, Washington I photographed the conflict after the war in 2016.
Originally I’m from Connecticut. I attended the University of Colorado, Boulder. As I raised my two children in Seattle, Washington, I went to night school to earn two Masters’ degrees. My degrees are in Business. Now, I’m over 50 and looking forward to my next stage of life.
I love volunteering and working on great projects. Below is a photo of me in 2007 working on a painting for a villa outside of Rome, Italy. I’m very fortunate, my work took me to great travel destinations.

Me in Tuscany completing an original mural commissioned by a new friend I met while traveling
About Solo Female Travel and Female Travel 50+
My life is not adventurous. I live my life “accidentally on purpose.” My goal is to enjoy and live life with purpose. I promise to share my stories, the good and the bad, my trials and troubles. My posts are not filtered opinions. I don’t worry about what someone thinks. Honesty is the best policy. I promise to be honest.
I won’t publish private comments or things shared in confidence.
Full disclosure – I ask permission when I take children’s photos or pictures of the sensitive subject matter. When I travel with people I ask if I can share the journey. If a person is in public, I figure, they are ok to photograph.
Nowadays, I travel a little with my daughter and select friends. Sharing my photos and stories gave me the idea that children or friends can also share and write their perspective so that the readers can experience the full story from all angles. Want to be a contributor for Where in the World is Kate? Excellent – Contact me.
My Philosophy
Solo travel can be fun, safe, simple, easy and enjoyable. I don’t want to scare women or men from traveling alone. It’s important to know, that some solo time, on a trip is valuable. If I join friends, I always include solo time. My solo travel time is for me. I learned, to travel solo, I have to enjoy my company.
I learned that travel is about the places, but more importantly, it’s about meeting interesting people. Immersing in a culture, and getting to know the people is what I value. I build relationships which is the true value I gain from travel.
What’s In It For You?
Women and men, at 50+ and all stages of life, may not have what they expected in life. This can happen to anyone, at any time in life. I want to help you remove the things that may stop you from traveling. My advice is this.
Go on your budget, solo, at fifty and any stage of life. It’s all about you! Go for it!
Get Inspired
How to Get Around Your Blockers
- Look for less-expensive trips or locations, hostels or sharing. There are lots of options.
- Go to events for singles or eat breakfast at your hotel and team up with other singles
- Learn to share and know that compromise is good
- If you have health issues please Always listen to your doctor.
- Know how to pack a camera bag
- Learn how to pack travel medical supplies
Hope for the best, make plans for the worst. Together we can do this and go to fun places. “Oh, The Places You’ll Go!” Dr. Seuss.
- It’s fun to travel!
- A woman can travel, simply and easily
- It does not have to be scary
- I feel you are never truly safe – so go smartly
- Prioritize
- Travel does not have to be expensive
- Travel is an investment in you. You are worth it.
- Be willing to compromise. Trade a good companion for a good site.
- It’s not always pretty, but even the hard times are all right.
- Be happy just the way you are.
Thanks for visiting!
Full Disclosure – Doing this site and being a travel blogger is arduous work. My travel blog is active. Writing takes full engagement and total commitment. I have to think carefully and be present to make it work. It takes money, passion, hard work and connecting with the travel community. I would love to network and partner with you.
Copyright © 2025 Capetown-Rio, Inc. USA. All rights reserved. Republishing is allowed only with written permission. All photography rights on this page belong to Capetown-Rio, Inc. and the author. Do you have a question, business proposal, or speaking opportunity? Please contact me here.