‘Tis the Season for US politics. Politics permeates every town and every conversation. Venturing to the east coast to see the historical landmarks during the 2016 White House Campaign makes the trip more exciting than ever. If you are into politics, this is the time to go to DC. If you aren’t into Politics – you might want to postpone your trip. The city and area are the lands of politics – for 365 days a year. DC is the place where everyone talks politics and is somehow involved with the regional or national politics. Washington DC, Travel, Politics and the Campaign brings out opinions and unleashes the talkative nature of people you met when traveling.
Washington DC, Travel, Politics, the Campaign
Before I went to the movies, I headed to a restaurant and sat at the bar in Delia’s Brick Oven Pizza. (BTW – the food is great.) The bartender introduces himself. We will call him John. Two men sit in the first two seats and a man and a woman sit next to me. There are five of us at the bar, and the bartender makes six people total. The man sitting next to me says hi to me. Shortly after that, the woman he is with also says hello. The bartender watches the political coverage on t.v. Quickly, the conversation turns to the US presidential race.
We all have lots of comments about this crazy US presidential election. I learned as a girl never discuss religion or politics. So when I travel these are the two topics I tend to avoid.
Washington DC, Travel and Politics
While I was waiting and passing the time, the couple sitting next to me started talking about the campaign. After everyone had shared their opinions, we laughed and decided this is one crazy year. We decided to make a wager on the campaign and we each placed our bet on who would win and that whoever won – the meal was on them in November. I hope I get to pay off this bet and get to see this lovely couple again.
Shopping and Retail Therapy
I decided it was better to go to a movie and then to shop. So off to the film and then to The Loft. At the loft, I met lovely ladies in The Loft Store #1588 in Old Town, Alexandria.
Retail therapy always helps settle my nerves that politics wind up. The people in the store were very helpful. The experience was pleasant and relaxed, especially when compared to the political conversation I had earlier.
If you get unnerved as I do from the political excitement, go shopping! Trying on clothes is a great way to take your mind off stressful events. Plus, it’s fun.
Walking Down to The Potomac River
After shopping, I walked down King Street to the Potomac River Boat Company, (703-684-0580 – call to buy the right tour) This Potomac River Boat Harbor Tour was really pretty bad. Actually, it was really bad. I was hoping to see the Monuments of Washington, unfortunately, there isn’t any signage, so I bought the wrong ticket for the wrong boat cruise.
I took a few photos and was glad there wasn’t any conversation about the presidential race. Phew – I am glad I found a place that gave me a relaxing break from politics.
The largest water purification facility in the world is located on the Potomac.
This post was last modified on April 16, 2017 7:37 pm