Travel Photography in a Real Life at UN Syrian Refugee Camp Jordan is intense and emotional.
Update: Since this trip happened, more people have fled from Syria, and nothing has changed for those in this camp. The situation affects more and more people and grows worse each day.
UN Syrian Refugee Camp in Jordan
Syrians are still fleeing their country after four-and-a-half years. Every day, more and more Syrian refugees leave their homeland. Today, their situation is worse than last year and the year before. While some parts of Syria are less affected by the bombings, the minorities are very much affected. In 2015, the situation has escalated to a global catastrophe and humanitarian crisis. Now some live in the UN Syrian Refugee Camp in Jordan.
Syrians Refugees at UN Syrian Refugee Camp in Jordan
Not many people who are not Syrian citizens have the opportunity to go to the UN camp. The Episcopal Church, Diocese of Olympia, Washington, funded my trip to the camp. Hopefully, my photos tell the Syrian refugee story that I saw.
A story about their children, children of the lost generation
Jordan continues to accept refugees. More arrive each day, and the world looks for a solution. The people in the camps live their life out waiting to go home to Syria. They get married in camps, have children, mourn the loss of loved ones who die and in some case suffer a life with extreme stress and PTSD.
As of October 2015
5,000 refugees arrive monthly on an island in Greece.
12,000 refugees arrive daily on the border of Slovakia.
In Lebanon, one out of four people is a refugee.
Turkey has 3 million refugees working without papers, and with no legal status in Turkey.
In Jordan, refugees arrive without documents, family or money. When refugees come in Jordan without these things, they are assigned to live in the UN camp.
The entrance is barren when you drive up
This UN camp is located in Jordan, close to the Syrian border.
The Syrian refugees’ children are becoming a lost generation.
Learn more in this post:
On the outskirts of town in a desert, boiling during the day and freezing at night.
Pictures say it all.
UN Syrian Refugee Camp in Jordan
Kids at the UN Syrian Refugee Camp in Jordan
People living at the UN Syrian Refugee Camp in Jordan
Travel tip: I highly recommend volunteering to travel more. There are many great places that can use your skills. The best part about doing this is it will change you. It forces you to grow and to go beyond your comfort zone. so I hope if you want to travel more try a trip like this if you feel you are emotionally up to it. It is not for everyone!
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This post was last modified on July 29, 2017 4:24 pm