
After meeting two developers in Seattle at developer’s conference in Istanbul, Kate embarks on an adventure to Lebanon. She lives with a Lebanese person, host family and enjoys Lebanon and the lifestyle.

God of Abraham

She sees what it is like to be Lebanese. After years of learning to hate Jews, this American shows and teaches to love thy neighbor.  Through their eyes she sees. They learn there is no us or them.

Historically similar, Jews and Muslims worship the same God of Abraham and that their places of worship places reveal this.

Experience what it is like for a Lebanese to be a tourist in their town. To learn why this is the greatest ancient culture, architecture, and art forms.

Feel and see deserts, beaches the cedars of Lebanon, the Beirut, oceans, and sail the Mediterranean.

My ‘Real’ Beirut Experience

If you ask someone, about Beirut Lebanon, you will get radically different answers. The two factors that affect the reply are if…

Turkey to Egypt to Lebanon Itinerary

I am frequently asked about the logistics of my travel. If you are traveling from Turkey to Egypt to Lebanon this…

Why Middle East Travel – See the Cradle of Civilization or Not?

My work took me to the Middle East, friendships and antiquities kept me coming back. When people learn I travel…